Sunday 21 March 2010

My Country, Indonesia

Dear all my friends in the world....

I am Indonesian girl. 100% Indonesian.

Have you ever heard about Indonesia?
Indonesia is an island country. We have more than 13.000 island. we have tropic climate, so we have only two seasons. Summer and rainy. We also have snow, but not in all of our country, only in some place. One of the place in our country that has snow is Papua. The snow fall down in Jayawijaya Mountain. It's the highest mountain in Indonesia.

Indonesia has so many art and culture. Can you imagine, we have 33 provinces and every provinces has their own culture. The culture in Bali of course not same as in the Sumatera or Sulawesi. So, i hope u can imagine, how rich we are.

We have a lot of mountain, many beach, and a lot of natural resource.

Jakarta is our capital. In this city i live in.

Ok, for the first, i think it's enough as a begining. i will continue to write about many city in Indonesia. i wish you will enjoy it.

By the way, if u interested of my story, or if you interested to come to Indonesia, you're very welcome. I don't mind to help you to get the information about Indonesia. All of you want. I'll try the best. Just ask me, then i will answer..

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i write anything about my self, my city, and my country. Try to write more about many places in Indonesia, specially tour objects, so many people will know, how beautiful Indonesia is.